My mama always said...

"You should be a writer."
Well according to my mother I could also have been the first female president (missed that boat by about 14, a lawyer, a doctor, etc. etc. She really has pushed the writing though. Buying me books on how to get books published (that book must have been easy to get, signing me up for Writers Digest magazine and bringing up a career in it every time I wrote anything more than a sentence. 
Problem being, I don’t know what the hell to write about. It’s not that I don’t enjoy it. It’s not that I have no talent in it. It’s not even that I don’t have the time for it. I simply have no inspiration.
Now I know a lot about a lot, but have not mastered any one thing enough to say "I’m the expert, now read my book." I have a whole plethora of opinions, but then again don’t we all.  I have my life story, which could definitely have a book written about it, but we all have our stories and to rehash it all for the sake of being one more autobiography on the dusty shelf is not worth my energy.

So with nothing to write about, but my mother’s voice stilling ringing in my head, "You should be a writer..." I write these words about writing. :-)

Stay tuned for future ramblings.


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