
When you breath that sweet sigh of relief for the day being done, a realization takes place and the releif is replaced with an akward angst. You look around to see that you have no one to celebrate the day's accomplishments with. No one to listen to as they complain about their day's trials and tribulations. No one else's needs and wants to think about. No one to just sit quietly and enjoy the moment with. 

Every minute of my life has been filled with the needs and expectations of others. Having someone else to think about, and partner up with on decisions. I've always had my kids around me 24/7 and now I sit alone for weeks on end. The contrast is deafening, and painful.

There is a laundry list of reasons why being single, and having time for yourself is great...but nothing can compare to sharing your life with and living for the benefit of another. I don't believe we were ever meant to be alone. 

We surround ourselves with our children, friends, extended family members and aquaintances to ensure that we never have to be alone. We will even put ourselves through a succession of relationships looking to find that one person that we can promise to keep company with until the day we die.

Why is it so hard to be alone in our thoughts? Why does living each day only for ourselves seem strange? How do you quell that feeling of dread that so quickly ensues loneliness? 

Join a bridge club, take up a hobby, try to create world peace in your spare time?

Give up. Let the universe bring to you the people who are meant to cross your path, and appreciate the time you do get with them. Maybe just hope for a longer visit with the next one that makes your day.


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