Dancing With Kings

My bare feet situated in the dirt, pebbles and pine needles
strobing heat in red and orange waves, hugs my skin
The wind playing in my hair like a cat with soft new yarn
The timelessness of this scene stretching beyond history's time.

Peacefully content and warm, those I love, sleep near
nothing lacking, nothing needed, we have been provided for
And as I voice my praise, in gratitude of God's mercy
My sights are directed to the towering Kings of this forest.

Silence. Utter silence as if the world were put on mute,
my gaze transfixed on these massive statues, and I see.
The wind, I know to be as one animal, melting into their stone
they danced in silent magnitude against the glowing night sky.

My mouth opened to no words which could justify
I could only smile deeply and feel the sudden hot rain
I laughed and my heart danced with those Kings,
in the oneness of the wind, which has became my breathe.

Rochelle 2013


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