
Showing posts with the label Thoughts

Anchor Down

 I am going to set my anchor. I will NOT be swept away any longer by the currents and tides created by the people in my life. It is my right to stand steady in my own waters. A day will come when storms will blow in for others, just as they have now for me. However this time I will not go diving in the raging waters heart first. I will wait steadily by there side, remaining a safe place to rest, not needing to be their lifeline. I must be sure I secure myself, because as I see it, the world is now encountering a storm of unseen proportions. We should each take heed of clouds brewing in our course. This is the time to create a safety net for our families; before the time of necessity hits. We may each find ourselves floating alone in our world, with nothing but our families. I will make sure mine can find safe shores. This is where I am setting my anchor.

Happy New Year, or Happy Today

Tomorrow is the beginning of another year. Because of this dramatic shift in time the country is now rushing to tally their numbers, set up their "New and Improved!" weight loss charts and people are buying up displays full of Nicorette gum to fulfill resolutions to do better this next year. Will we as a whole, or as individuals, awaken tomorrow with a renewed sense of hope? A feeling the clock has paused for that one magical second at midnight on New Year's Eve, and brought us relief from our past year? ... "This year will be different. I can start it all over. From this point forward I can be whatever it is I have always known myself to be." Because it's a new year? I'm sorry... but I think we're all adults here, so I can speak frankly. Bullshit. You know as well as I, that tomorrow morning will be like every other morning, only you're going to be tired from staying up, grumpy from having a few too many, and you'll be reaching for ...

On trusting liars

Growing up, we learn honesty will be rewarded, and the truth shall set you free...right?  I find that not everyone got this message as a child, or maybe just forgot as an adult...(maybe). "Your word" as well as mine doesn't mean a damn thing. We WANT to trust our friends, our partners and even the strangers we meet, but not many are trustworthy. There are very few people you can turn your back on and KNOW they will do right. In fact, so few, that I believe it isn't worth risking your own well being to trust them in the first place. I was asked once, why I allowed a person who is known to be an unabashed chronic liar, to be my answer..."I only trust him as far as I need to..." That is the key. It IS ok to trust, only so far as you are never putting anything important on the line to do so. No one who is trust worthy would ask you to put your well being on the line anyway. If we do choose to put ourselves out there, t...


When you breath that sweet sigh of relief for the day being done, a realization takes place and the releif is replaced with an akward angst. You look around to see that you have no one to celebrate the day's accomplishments with. No one to listen to as they complain about their day's trials and tribulations. No one else's needs and wants to think about. No one to just sit quietly and enjoy the moment with.  Every minute of my life has been filled with the needs and expectations of others. Having someone else to think about, and partner up with on decisions. I've always had my kids around me 24/7 and now I sit alone for weeks on end. The contrast is deafening, and painful. There is a laundry list of reasons why being single, and having time for yourself is great...but nothing can compare to sharing your life with and living for the benefit of another. I don't believe we were ever meant to be alone.  We surround ourselves with our children, friends, exte...


We bitch and complain. We hope and wish. We change and improve. But how often do we truly look above our lives and smile with gratitude for all our blessings? We can never expect to gain more in life, if we don't appreciate what we have now. More may come. But without gratitude, our lives would be an empty shell of events and material possessions that will never satisfy; we will always be looking for more and better and bigger... I live in a small apartment. I have not a dime more than what's needed to pay bills. I have three kids and no help. I have had my heart broken, my dreams shattered and everything I own stolen from me..yet I am happy. I am grateful. I love my life, my kids, my apartment, even my bank balance. I am thankful for the chance to have my heart broken, because I have loved. I am thankful for the chance to have my dreams shattered, because my reality is far too beautiful to miss. Yes I am even thankful to have everything I own taken from me, because now what I ...