Anchor Down
I am going to set my anchor. I will NOT be swept away any longer by the currents and tides created by the people in my life. It is my right to stand steady in my own waters. A day will come when storms will blow in for others, just as they have now for me. However this time I will not go diving in the raging waters heart first. I will wait steadily by there side, remaining a safe place to rest, not needing to be their lifeline. I must be sure I secure myself, because as I see it, the world is now encountering a storm of unseen proportions. We should each take heed of clouds brewing in our course. This is the time to create a safety net for our families; before the time of necessity hits. We may each find ourselves floating alone in our world, with nothing but our families. I will make sure mine can find safe shores. This is where I am setting my anchor.