Is this your first?

Stranger: "Is this your first," staring at my round belly.
Me: "No, third."... 
Stranger: "Oh, my!"

Every time someone asks it goes just like that I swear. I am not sure if I should take that as a compliment or an insult. Seems a bit rude to's not "Oh, well congratulations!" or "Wow, are your other kids excited?" it's always "Oh, my!" and that's it... No congrats or well wishes, maybe a couple of "Good lucks" (gee thanks).

I wish I knew what it was that made people respond like that. They act like I just said I have ten kids. The average American family has like 2.4 or something (.4 eventually turns into 3 ya know). Is it because I am young? Is it because I am not 300lbs.? Is it because I am no longer sporting a pretty ring on my finger? I feel they must think I am just some young unwed mother who doesn't know what causes my condition or can't remember to take the pill. (A few daring souls have actually said that shit to me!)

Come on people... I think I deserve a little more credit than that (not much seeing how this latest one came about, but still...damn) I have two from a previous marriage, two very well planned for children. This one does happen to be a love child-  from the man I thought I belonged with (whatever about that bs...anyway...). Still, not 3 random kids from unknown daddies while this young mommy collects welfare for the next 20yrs!

It's crap that perfect strangers judge so harshly- but even if they judge- is it necessary to respond so abruptly? Eh, fuck em' ... I am glad to have my boys, they're beyond wonderful and this baby girl has turned out to be the biggest blessing I could have hoped for. I am happy she's coming and I am damn proud to be a mom of three. A young, slim, single mommy of three. Congratulations to me. lol


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