Killer UV Rays, Indoors

For years we've been told to slather on the sunscreen when we go outside. We have been told that Mr. Golden Sun is to blame for ever increasing rates of skin cancer. But, I wonder why this more obvious cause has not been pointed out- especially since most, Americans anyhow, spend their time indoors. And since the rise in skin cancer seems correlated to the increased use of fluorescent lighting.

 I discovered this darker side of fluorescent bulbs when a neighbor of mine stopped by, he was all excited to grow his own pot after the recent legalization of marijuana here in Oregon. He wanted to buy a fluorescent light strip I had in my shed because he was building a mini grow-room. He said, "I found out I can just use fluorescent lights in place of grow lights."

Puzzled by how this could be, I did some research. All fluorescent lights are UV lights! What? 'You mean we're walking under artificial sun lamps all day?' Yes we are. A fluorescent light is a UV light with a phosphorous coating which creates the glow we see.

The United Kingdom's Health Protection Agency[1] has concluded that close exposure to CFLs (Compact Fluorescent Lights) can reach dangerous levels with just an hour of exposure daily, and with close proximity to bare skin, the UV radiation is almost the same as the sun.

So, I suppose we should slather on the sunscreen and grab our sunglasses before we even flip on the lights in the morning.

If that's not enough- fluorescent lights also cause eye damage (obviously if they're UV lights they would), issues with concentration, effects on autistic people and those with personality disorders have been also been found. If you're looking to save on energy by switching out your incandescent light bulbs for new CFLs, you may want to reconsider. LEDs ? I'll have to do some research and get back to you.



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