A Kingdom of Germs is within you

We think of th spiritual realm as cosmic and larger than life. But what if we have it backwards and the spiritual realm is actually on a microbiological level (at least in part)? Christ himself said, "The Kingdom of God is within you."

What began this train of thought was listening to a radio show, where a genomic researcher had commented that 90% of our DNA was not really ours, but belonged rather to microbes. It has long been understood that we are made up of more "other things", than we are made up of our own cells. How hard would it be for a foreign or unwanted microbe to take over a person? Much like  we talk about a person being overtaken by an evil spirit.

Lets define a spirit; an unseen force which manifests itself in other living things. 

Now define microbe; a microscopic organism which reproduces itself inside other living things.

The custom of saying "Bless you," when someone sneezes, comes from the superstition that your sneeze was actually caused by an evil spirit trying to enter your body. We now know that "evil spirit" to be a virus. Microbial invaders can cause changes in mood, personality, physical characteristics and social drive. One good example of how powerful a germ can be: in the UK rats have been given food laced with an endocrine disrupting bacterium causing the rats to be attracted to cats. In search of a mate, off they run to their death.

But what do morality and microbes have in common? We refer to being 'cleansed' of our sin, 'washing' away our sin,

"A little yeast will work its way through the whole dough." Something Jesus also said. Although we take this as a metaphor for sin or evil working its way into our lives. Still standing, maybe it was more literal also. A good portion of the First Testament covers cleansing rituals and rules governing what to do with mold, sick persons or other contaminated items. Obviously there is some major importance to keeping ourselves and our environment clean.

So important, that this bold claim has been made, "Cleanliness is next to Godliness." Those who become near Godlike are deemed 'Saints.' One test of a true Saint is 'incorruptibility.' Their bodies do not decay. Decay is caused by microbes (i.e. bacteria) breaking down tissues. It seems that those who achieve "next to Godliness" are totally immune to this microbial action.

Here is a case for baptism too. Water can hold a charge and has 'memory.' Through baptism, maybe the water we are immersed in teaches the water within us how to be charged, so as to prevent disease (I wonder if pH or positive negative charge changes at baptism?) and tune the water memory to receive the higher frequency vibrations of a spiritual nature.

At any rate, if the microcosm is as the macrocosm is, then each cell within us (microbes included) must be playing their role in a spiritual sense. We could think of Earth then, as one whole cell within the larger Kingdom of God.

*For those who are less biblical, see *'Holographic Universe,' where one piece of the hologram is a complete picture of the whole hologram, rather than being distinct and different like a singular puzzle piece. Each cell from large to microscopic, functions as a complete representation of the whole.

"The Kingdom of God is Within You," think about it; and don't forget to say 'Bless you,' next time someone sneezes.

FOOTNOTE: Could this explain the raising of the dead??


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