How way leads on to way...

Yet knowing how way leads on to way,. I doubted if I should ever come back. - Robert Frost, The Road Not Taken.

As humans, we have the special capacity to imagine future scenarios, in order to prepare for them. This is what has allowed us to rise to the top of the food chain.  But the ability to foresee future problems only helps us if we are using this foresight to look far down to "where it bent in the undergrowth," to quote Frost again and then make a decision as to which path we prefer. 

Choice, also known as free will- gives us the rare advantage of preventing future problems from ever happening.
What happens when we become complacent, lazy, or too busy to look up and see where we're headed? As one foot follows another we must be sure we're not simply letting ourselves fall in step with the people in front of us or we will find ourselves unwittingly dancing to some Pi'd Piper's tune, heading straight for a cliff.

To be the Creators of our own world is one lesser known benefit to our human foresight. We can foresee and prevent problems, but we can also foresee and create solutions. Ghandi once said, "Be the change you wish to see in the world." Simple but profound. What problems do you fear will exist in your future, or our future ? Are your actions, right now, contributing to the problem or the solution? Do you have some vision of what you would like to see happen instead?

The recycling we don't do, the savings and investments we didn't make, the votes we forgot to cast, the foods we eat and the jobs we have all play a piece in a larger, global picture. What are the full consequences of your life actions and attitudes? Today. And what those results tomorrow, a year from now or seven years from now? Stop walking in line with the masses for a moment and look far down your path and ask yourself again, am I part of the solution or a part of the problem?

Those things which we compromise on today are only the seeds from which our future problems grow. To be unyielding, uncompromising in principle and action. Where masses will sway to and fro, you can know where you're headed and be unyielding in your journey there.

Because we all know "How way leads on to way", and I know we can never get some things back.


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