Death Welcomed, Life Arrived

I had reached a point at the end of my rope, where I welcomed death, silence, oblivion. At this point of defeat, I realized, that should I die today, then what I 'would have' done didn't matter. It didn't matter if I failed, or if I saved the world.

If the me I had known did not matter anymore, than what harm would it bring to go all out! Splash the world with all the great, and the menial, all the colorful ideas and ambitions, all the ridiculous and humorous insights- who the hell cares!

 If I had died it would all be a loss anyhow.
So, why not make life my game? Rearrange the board, skip spaces and recolor the squares. Far better than throwing the whole box in the trash.

Death did come- to my ego, to my pride, to my 'show face' and 'proper place.' Dead. It's all meaningless. Now I choose to Love and Give-to give away and let go, holding tight, only, to what I find passion for.


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