
Guns are Not the Problem

Should we take everyone's guns? Should we give everyone guns? Can't we just arrest the guns for killing people? Wait no, guns don't kill people, people kill people. THE QUESTION NO ONE IS ASKING... Why are these kids going crazy killing people in the first place?  We had automatic rifles in the 60's no one did this, and the 80's no one did this...why today? ANTIDEPRESSANT MEDICATIONS.  Every school shooting, to my knowledge, was committed by a young person on antidepressants which clearly say cause homicidial and suicidal behaviors in youths. One simple pin prick to test their blood for the gene which processess these drugs could put an end to these tragedies and many others which don't make the news.

Instructions for Repairing People

Use caution when picking someone apart if you think it is to mend them or fix them.  While critically analyzing every function and trying to spit shine each useful part, their entire being splayed open, exposed you let their essence slip away unnoticed. If you get their innards wrenched outward on display for your personal inspection their intestinal fortitude shuts down. With guts turned off, lying there broken their light now just sparks you're holding, may I remind you of these instructions which came from our maker? It's Golden. Love one another, be kind, have patience. God was aware, so are all the king's men, it's hard to put someone back together again. 

What did the universe smell like?

When our Creator sensed the first smell that was, I wonder What scent do you think it was? Was it like French Toast, or Hot Rolls with butter? Or maybe burnt gunpowder, fireworks in a cool July shower? Was it fresh dirt and dew drops? Or was it like lavender and mint? Perhaps it was what we got, our own Mother's scent? Absent of other senses to relate; whole immersion. Complete and impossible to translate. I gave smelling great thought, with my senses, all five, so I could explain here a smell, and yet still I cannot describe. Sweet, musky, burnt or acrid, these terms are not to define and will be known only by what our memories find. <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

Living Water into Wine

I am self-expression for the Almighty himself. To be complete, in full myself, in tragic,fatal totality is to be the best parts of God's greatest masterpiece. The sum of him. As I am the sum of all I have and made, said or did, so are we, this to him. I am the bittersweet creative juices that flow from the hard pressed fruits of my trials and error, being pruned by my creator as if those are his shears. Grown organically in his garden by the Father himself, on a vine personally tended by his good Shepard and Sun. The bugs and the blight, the rot and the strife, withered by fear the enemy wants to claim my place and my life, wants me clipped and tossed out, thrown to the ground. But He has foreknown the time I will be plucked ripe, then mashed down, where my living water turns to wine.

Your Birthday, so what?

Yes, it's your birthday. So what? You were born. Beginning the same way everybody was formed. Here's some news, though not new to you Your birth was no more unique than the rest. We all start in like manner, now forgive my candor, but we'll each rot in the dirt or be ash for decanter. It's not the day of our birth or the sign of our sun it's the waves we create the ripples in the pond. Objects in motion tend to stay in motion, unless acted on by a force, but that force is not death. Dying only moves you out of the way, so all the waves you create become future, time & space. Your birthday means nothing, it's what your everyday makes in a lifetime before death seizes your fate.

Open Door

I didn't know my own strength And then it hit me, So I turned the other cheek And the enemy charged, Right into my warm embrace And it then pushed me away, But I had already let it go And then it came stalking, I waved asking 'how do ya do?' And then it finally asked me, Why can't I get to you? And wind blew the door open.

Religion vs. God

Would you be surprised if I told you religion and God have very little to do with one another? Or that going to church does not make you Christian? What if I said you would be closer to the truth if you threw away everything you ever knew about "God" and "Jesus," and turned everything you have learned about religion upside down on its ass? This is the simple truth however. As I tried to explain the powers of the universe to my twelve year old son, who claims already to be an atheist,  I asked him what or who God was. He described a man with a white beard who lives up on a cloud with a magic staff, who controls people and grants wishes, or 'prayers.' In that case, I replied, I did not believe in the same god that he did not believe in. When I inquired into his beliefs about the universal field of energy in which we all share, he disclosed his belief about "The Force." "'The Force,' you call it?...That's God!", I told him. H...