Going to Be Someone
My daughter, my dear, we need to talk
Your grades are appaling,
your school has been calling
you have some serious work to do here.
I realize the world is on fire
I am no climate change denier
and though CNN has warned of an
imminent economic collapse
But dont let that stop you from
doing your best. You're not like the rest.
You can be anything you want to be
Sort of like that new AI machinery
Have heard of how it can do
everything you're learning to do
except faster and better and always correct?
They say we can't keep it in check.
But my darling, don't fear. You'll go far
Dream big. Become someone in the world
Where soon there will be no one, or
at least no one youll be able to see
When the lights go out and the grid collapses
under the weight of our spaceage
cars and devices and those mega monoliths
of data storing , knowledge hoarding devices
Yes, the ones who hold the very things
you're supposed to be hard studying
So you can go out in the world and
....you know what...fuck it.
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