Morning Person!
If this question seems ridiculous to you, then you're probably not AM challenged like me. You probably wake up to greet the magnificent sun and the glorious new day with plans in mind and set your feet to the cool floor with purpose and ambition.
I, however, sit in a sleep-drunken stupor, staring at my freezing cold floor with questions like, "What is going on?", and "Why am I awake again?" In my morning delirium I am a math whiz apparently- quickly calculating how many times I can hit snooze before my alarm clock just gives up- or how many minutes it really takes myself and three children to get ready.
I have turned down jobs which required arriving before 9am and I even dropped out of the race for Class President once, when I heard they met early, before school hours- I simply walked out of the meeting and tore up my flyers.
I DO NOT exist before 7am- and then you'd only be meeting my stunt double (we'll call her "Vicky)- she makes me look awake, and does tasks like taking the kids to school and making breakfast. I, on the other hand, take over around 11am. Suddenly, at eleven, maybe twelve, I remember: I had shit to do today. I get dressed (see Vicky just wears what I wore yesterday) and MY day begins.
But since it's only 8:40am and it took me an hour to write this, "I" am going back to bed.
I, however, sit in a sleep-drunken stupor, staring at my freezing cold floor with questions like, "What is going on?", and "Why am I awake again?" In my morning delirium I am a math whiz apparently- quickly calculating how many times I can hit snooze before my alarm clock just gives up- or how many minutes it really takes myself and three children to get ready.
I have turned down jobs which required arriving before 9am and I even dropped out of the race for Class President once, when I heard they met early, before school hours- I simply walked out of the meeting and tore up my flyers.
I DO NOT exist before 7am- and then you'd only be meeting my stunt double (we'll call her "Vicky)- she makes me look awake, and does tasks like taking the kids to school and making breakfast. I, on the other hand, take over around 11am. Suddenly, at eleven, maybe twelve, I remember: I had shit to do today. I get dressed (see Vicky just wears what I wore yesterday) and MY day begins.
But since it's only 8:40am and it took me an hour to write this, "I" am going back to bed.

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