BE POSITIVE (from my 14 year old self)
BE POSITIVE Written by Rochelle Willis in the year 2000
Think positively, Look at the glass of milk 1/2 full instead of 1/2 empty.
Take time to smell the roses, but keep the motivation to get things going.
Make priorities you can handle. Work before play. Make sure you play.
Go places. See things with friends and family. Meet new people and get to know your friends better.
Be yourself. Everyone has different looks and personalities. You are unique.
Get to know yourself, and Always, Always, be honest with yourself and others.
Things always work out. Be a leader and a role model.
Try your hardest in everything you do, and you'll be proud of who you are.
Most Importantly... Be positive.
then this, FROM MY 23 yr. old self.....
_Try to Be Positive_
Why is negativity so appealing? It captures our attention like nothing else, and is the inspiration for so many of our actions. I can list right now over 50 words associated with negative emotions but damned if I can come up with more than 10 or 15 positive ones. Try, it's tough. It would be ok if we expressed more positive emotions despite having fewer of them, but we don't. People show their irritation, anger, sorrow and grief much more readily than they will show their gratitude, joy and happiness. Ok, yes, most people will smile and be polite before they will be rude and flippant, but I am talking about real emotions here not our everyday show face.
Are we afraid? Afraid that if we speak of the joy we are experiencing and express it, that it will disappear? Afraid we will seem boastful or unempathetic to the woes of our friends? Maybe some feel they have no right to truly feel happy, they haven't really earned it. Whatever it is, it's certainly not contributing to the general welfare of anyone, us walking around sullen or distraught. We don't invite others to share their happiness with us when all we speak of is our misery. Maybe if we choose to focus more of our energy on expressing positive emotions, then we will learn to identify them and notice them more often. Maybe those around us will catch on, and begin to act more positively around us too. Misery loves company, well I think that happiness would like some too.
I am not preaching either. I am about the most negative, pessimistic, cynical women you know...and I have no reason to be and I don't want others to feel that way aroud me. So help me out and I'll help you. To get us started, here's a list of all the positive emotions, states, words...whatever, I could find (I googled this Let's start using them!
Think positively, Look at the glass of milk 1/2 full instead of 1/2 empty.
Take time to smell the roses, but keep the motivation to get things going.
Make priorities you can handle. Work before play. Make sure you play.
Go places. See things with friends and family. Meet new people and get to know your friends better.
Be yourself. Everyone has different looks and personalities. You are unique.
Get to know yourself, and Always, Always, be honest with yourself and others.
Things always work out. Be a leader and a role model.
Try your hardest in everything you do, and you'll be proud of who you are.
Most Importantly... Be positive.
then this, FROM MY 23 yr. old self.....
_Try to Be Positive_
Why is negativity so appealing? It captures our attention like nothing else, and is the inspiration for so many of our actions. I can list right now over 50 words associated with negative emotions but damned if I can come up with more than 10 or 15 positive ones. Try, it's tough. It would be ok if we expressed more positive emotions despite having fewer of them, but we don't. People show their irritation, anger, sorrow and grief much more readily than they will show their gratitude, joy and happiness. Ok, yes, most people will smile and be polite before they will be rude and flippant, but I am talking about real emotions here not our everyday show face.
Are we afraid? Afraid that if we speak of the joy we are experiencing and express it, that it will disappear? Afraid we will seem boastful or unempathetic to the woes of our friends? Maybe some feel they have no right to truly feel happy, they haven't really earned it. Whatever it is, it's certainly not contributing to the general welfare of anyone, us walking around sullen or distraught. We don't invite others to share their happiness with us when all we speak of is our misery. Maybe if we choose to focus more of our energy on expressing positive emotions, then we will learn to identify them and notice them more often. Maybe those around us will catch on, and begin to act more positively around us too. Misery loves company, well I think that happiness would like some too.
I am not preaching either. I am about the most negative, pessimistic, cynical women you know...and I have no reason to be and I don't want others to feel that way aroud me. So help me out and I'll help you. To get us started, here's a list of all the positive emotions, states, words...whatever, I could find (I googled this Let's start using them!
AbleAbsolvedAbundantAcceleratedAcceptableAcceptedAcceptingAccomplishedAccountable Achieving Active Adaptable Adequate Admirable Admired AdoredAffluent Agreeable Agreeable Alert Ambitious Amenable Amused AppreciatedApproving Assertive Assured Atease Attached Attentive Attractive AuthenticAwake Aware Awesome Balanced Beautiful Believing Blessed Blissful BondedBrave Bright Brilliant Calm Capable Captivated CaredFor Careful CaringCautiousCentered Certain Cheerful Cherished Clean Clear Collected ComfortableComforted Committed Compassionate Complete Composed ComprehendingConfident Congruent Connected Conscious Constant Content CooperativeCourageous Credible Daring Decisive Defended Delighted DependableDesirable Dignified Discerning Disciplined Distinguished Dutiful DynamicEagerEasygoing Ecstatic Edified Efficient Elated Elegant ElevatedEmancipatedEmpowered Encouraged Energetic Energized Enthusiastic EuphoricExceptional Excited Exhilarated Experienced Expressive Exuberant FaithFantastic Favored Firm Flexible Flowing Focused Forceful Forgiven FortifiedFortunate Free Friendly Fulfilled Gentle Genuine Gifted Glowing GoodnaturedGraceful Gracious GratifiedGrounded Growing Guarded HappyHarmoniousHealedHelpfulHeroic High Hones Honorable Honored HopefulHumble Humorous Important Incontrol Included Independent InfatuatedInfluential Innocent Inspired Intelligent InterestedInvigoratedInvincibleInvitedJovialJoyfulJubilantJudicious Kind LearningLiberated Light Lighthearted LooseLovedLoyal Lucky Magnetic MarvelousMasterful Mature Meek Merciful Methodical Mindful Modest Motivated NeatNoble Nonjudgmental Observant Open OpenHearted Organized OutgoingPacified Pampered Pardoned Passionate Patient Peaceful Perfect PerseveringPleasant Pleased Popular Positive Powerful 3 Praised Precious Prepared PresentProductive Proficient Progressive ProsperousProtected Prudent Punctual PurifiedPurposeful Qualified Quick Radiant Rational Reasonable Reassured ReceptiveRecognized Redeemed Regenerated Relaxed Release Reliable Relief RelievedRemembered Replenished Resolute Respected Respectful ResponsiveRestored Revitalized Rewarded Rooted Satisfied Secure Selfless SelfReliantSensational Sensible Sensitive Serene Settled Sharing Simple Skillful SmoothSoothed Spirited Splendid Stable Steadfast Strengthened Strong SuccessfulSupported Sustained Tactful Teachable Temperate Tenacious Tender ThankfulThoughtful Thrilled Tolerant Tranquil Triumphant Trust Trusting UnbiasedUnderstanding Understood Undisturbed Unhurried Unique United UnselfishUpheld Valiant Valuable Valued Virile Vital Warm Wealthy Willing WiseWonderful Worthwhile Worthy Yielding Zealous
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