Let your passion lead you

I've heard, "Follow your passion." But often passion does not open the door to opportunity. It's part of the key, but why am I picking on this phrase?

Synonyms for passion include: fervor, obsession, infatuation, enthusiasm, zeal, craze and other words that do not invite the picture of a driven, level-headed individual working toward their dream.
 Following your emotionally crazed and blinded self into your passion is not always wise! (We've all had those relationships, right?). As for "following" such a thing, well I never liked that word "follow" anyway....So I would like to re-coin the phrase if I may. "Let your passion lead you."
My recent venture into the business world, opening "like GrMa clean,", taught me a tremendous amount, mostly about myself. We all need these overwhelming, frustrating, victorious and humbling experiences at least once in life. These sludgy "learning" curves come when we have; 1) Blindly followed our passion (i.e. my passion for business) or,
2) Not followed our passion at all, but rather succumb to our lower needs and drives (i.e. I was a broke b*&%# and needed money now! )
 ...Either way, coming out of this, my passions are more defined, and I do see a fruitful middle ground..

I was excited and enthusiastic to get into business. However, I was not level-headed in my pursuit of a successful company, or I would not have chosen a career doing one thing I HaTe (cleaning) by appointment (the one thing I can't keep!). lol, wtfwIt (textonym for What the fuck was I thinking...). So on one hand, my business zeal got me going, maybe that passion did in fact open a door- but one that quickly slammed shut on my ass when I remembered I had only started with a housekeeping company because it was virtually zero start-up and a high wage. I had not reached a balanced plane, where the logical pursuit of my dreams met my passions.

Long story short on "like GrMa clean,", a theft occured in a client's home, likely my employee- it took the wind out of me, the heartbreak, embarassment, fear of a lawsuit. I closed shop. My need to make a buck was not enough to keep my business aspirations afloat. And my zeal for business had been blindly and prematurely placed. What was there to follow now?

I don't want to go off all willy nilly again, excited but without direction. I'll end up owning a poop scooping business or some other trecherous wagemaking j.o.b.

To let my passion lead me;
A) I must know exactly what I have interest in. What drives me and WHY> Why does "that" thing drive me? In business, it's a creative outlet- independence- I decide where the glass ceiling sits.
B) I must know what my real strengths and weaknesses are in relation to my goals- I can't make appointments on time for the life of me. It would have been best to admit this to myself BEFORE starting the last business.
C) I must place myself in a position where my strengths, talents and my "WHY" aren fulfilled...then let the universe take care of the rest...Let things fall in place around my new self-knowledge and discerning judgement.

No more willy nill.... rather, I will practice taking calculated and appropriate action to move myself closer to my passionate pursuits, and have faith this will lead me to new opportunity or at least a happier me at work.


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