
Avenues of Hope

In the desperation of communities struck by poverty, war and crime around the world, occassionally there arises a narrow avenue of hope. A way out.  In Samoa young men dream to become NFL stars. In Compton they dream to become famous rappers. In Dagastan, they dream to win a UFC belt.  It only takes one brave soul to challenge the status quo... to believe they can make it. If only a few succeed in escaping a previously impossible circumstance, then the dam breaks open. The avenue of possibilities begins to light up.  Like when the four minute mile was eventually broken. It was once a feat thought to be impossible for the human body.  Suddenly it became possible. Runner after runner beat the record. So it is in these communities, it only took one person daring enough to try. It only takes one person to believe they can, to bring hope to an entire community or an entire nation.

Listen to the Rain

 Not everyone notices.Most are completely unaware. The beautiful timing, and synchronized dancing of the molecules in the air. The molecules that have no idea who you are. Nor do they care. Even though you're made of them, before you made up who you are.  The notes and silences that make the sounds of the music we hear. The lyrics spoken as if an old dear friend chiming in like they were near. Singing on in perfect time to the rain playing bass on your windshield,  and your windshield wipers swipe swiping along to the rhythm of your breath  and the bumps in the road like a map that knew where each heartbeat would be left. How this moment would not exist unless every single one preceeding it had happened first. If you pay close attention, do not force nor try to control it, The ceaseless echoes sent endlessly out into the universe will tell all in time. You are here and It is now. There is truth about your place in this.  The future is the past, simply the future in reverse. No end,

How To Give Charity Wrapped in Dignity

I ended my previous blog, " Why Our Programs Will Never Stop Homelessnes, " on this note, "To fix homelessness, they don't need us. We need to need them." As a follow up to this, here is a story about giving charity wrapped in dignity... THE OLD EGG SELLER AND THE MADAM "How much for the eggs?" Asked a well-dressed Madam. The old seller replied, '$0.25 an egg, Madam.' She said to him, 'I will take 6 eggs for $1.25 or I will leave.' The old seller replied, 'Come take them at the price you want. Maybe, this is a good beginning because I have not been able to sell even a single egg today.' She took the eggs and walked away feeling she had won. She got into her fancy car and went to a posh restaurant with her friend. There, she and her friend, ordered whatever they liked.  They ate a little and left a lot of what they ordered. Then she went to pay the bill. The bill was $45.00, she gave $50.00 and asked the owner of the restaurant t

"Why Our Programs Will Never Stop Homelessness"

 What if we are totally wrong about WHY there are so many people "experiencing" homelessness? We continue to pour money into a service-based model for dealing with homelessness. Hand out food, because they lack food. Hand out clothes, because they lack money to buy clothes. Hand out tents because they lack the ability to find shelter. Rehousing programs abound and millions of dollars flood in to get "these people" off the streets. However, the number of chronically homeless people keeps rising. [Chronically homeless as defined here is distinctly separate from those facing temporary lack of housing due to job loss, sudden eviction, etc.] Despite our greatest efforts, the problem gets worse. But, what if we are trying to fix the wrong problem? People do not remain chronically homeless because of an inability to find housing or work. If highly motivated, a person could take advantage of the many programs and pull themselves up from the trenches and back on their feet.

This too shall pass...

 Wherever you are in your life right now, whatever is overwhelming, unbearable, indomitable or hopeless...breathe in with me....this too shall pass. These moments soften in passed time and will form a beautiful patina with age that you will remember fondly. Please also take note that whatever is peaceful, loving, safe and brings you joy, this too shall also pass. When my children were young, I cried tears, hot for wanting purpose! To be recognized by someone or something. To be heard and to make a difference. This has passed.... Now that my kids are almost all grown, I have found some path, some purpose and I can make a difference...but I would give anything to have those busy mommy days back. To care for and be needed by someone again. This too shall pass.... The day may come where I will be needed by someone, and have to care for someone again. It will not be easy. However, knowing this too shall pass, and I have grown wiser.  Learn to enjoy your moments. Even the painful and lonely

Going to Be Someone

 My daughter, my dear, we need to talk Your grades are appaling,  your school has been calling you have some serious work to do here. I realize the world is on fire I am no climate change denier and though CNN has warned of an  imminent economic collapse But dont let that stop you from doing your best. You're not like the rest. You can be anything you want to be Sort of like that new AI machinery Have heard of how it can do everything you're learning to do except faster and better and always correct? They say we can't keep it in check. But my darling, don't fear. You'll go far Dream big. Become someone in the world Where soon there will be no one, or at least no one youll be able to see When the lights go out and the grid collapses under the weight of our spaceage cars and devices and those mega monoliths of data storing , knowledge hoarding devices Yes, the ones who hold the very things you're supposed to be hard studying So you can go out in the world and ....

Blessings Unrecognized

 Thank you Lord,  For all the blessings in disguise, For blessings yet unrecognized. The ones that feel like grief, Later, like grateful relief. In this moment  Sorrow may consume my airs, Tomorrow, only you may know From this place I am now Where it is I will go. -LeAnne Love 2022