
Falling Away

Let it all fall away Passively, quietly. Do not cry out or force and do not be numb but feel, What you have every right to feel. Now, this is the point Where your trust in God, must be immense. Trust. Let it all fall away.

Coins Turned

She said "But, I want to show you some signs." As one glass after the other fell to the floor, we looked at each other Knowing we'd been seen and feeling the scene to come. The signs were posted everywhere that night. Clearly read and certainly understood, pointing Firm and correct The path had become dangerous, as if it had not been all along. Tossing coins to summon an answer already known. He spoke "There are no signs to exits passed," They turned to the clouds Thunder called and struck down its point, a point well taken. Now there is quiet, in ourselves we converse Too scared to draw a map, though we've been here before. With the signs and his light we took on this movement, in action we moved in faith through the dark.

God made friend

My friend, dear friend... God made you,  to be that for me. No escaping that fate. And why would I try? We are made from the same. I look at you and I see me, I know you do the same. Yet, how different we can be. Joined for life no choice about it. What a gift we could be- for each other. How can you look at me deny our bond, and turn me into wrong. I see my own way too but I make a choice- to look at what's real. You are my God made friend. By soul and blood and experience. What a shame- to let this friendship go to waste.

When it Rains it Pours

"When it rains it pours." Car problems then a ticket then an auto accident. A forgotten bill then a new debt then you lose a job. One problem precedes the next in kind, not necessarily causing it, but certainly compounding it! Or, more positively... You find a new job then a debt is paid back then an unexpected check arrives. You hear from an old friend then another shows up at your door then you meet a new friend. One gift precedes the next, not in direct relation to, but in relevance to the whole. Why does this happen? Coincidence? If it were, that phrase would not exist. We have all found this phrase to be true at some point. "When it rains it pours" "Good things come in threes." etc. A simple term would be the Law of Attraction. When you begin to think about a certain thing- or more importantly to feel the reality of that thought, you attract other things like it. "Like attracts like." The moment you thought of car troubles, you attrac...

Balance- as a verb

It's almost a cliche...between work and home, relationships and self, we are told to find balance. As if balance were a state of being rather than an act. When you balance, are you not constantly readjusting? Give a little to one end and take a little from the other. If we view balance as something to be sought after and achieved, then it will be a disappointment each time we must adjust. Balance  is not a homeostatic state to be achieved, not a goal to strive for and not a place you will arrive.  Rather.... continuously, weights are measured, debts and credits compared. Adjustments must be made, it is simply part of the act  of balancing. In adjusting and adapting, be open to what weights are placed on your scales- but be ready to counter them as well.  Balance is a way of living, not a position you're likely to find in yourself. Also known as.... Equality - Equilibrium Mental/Emotional Steadiness Power or ability to decide an outcome Difference b...

Your cup shall not overfloweth

When you are full, and your cup overfloweth, do pieces of your soul, your chi, your love flow over the edge in a silent waterfall to be forever separated from the self Or do the raging waters, flowing full speed in a torrent of tragic proportions reach your cup with mercy and abundance forever expanding and enriching the self And rather than any piece fall away over edge may it be... the fresh waters clarify your deeper intentions creating your soul, expanding your chi giving you love.

Nothing to Say

I have nothing to say. There are a million words waiting under my tongue, but none are worth the effort. Each as acid as the next. Waiting for a chance to sizzle a hole through the next face that dares to smirk at me with lies. I can't stand to be so negative. Knowing what it will bring to me, I sit silenced, my tongue cut. But "idle are the Devil's hands." So, I will safely lock away my devil, inside the ink, where it can do no harm. Then, I can smirk back, with truly nothing to say for I have already screamed it.